God is always at work in you.
That’s why you always have to be confident in everything you do.
He is not just beside or behind you.
But he is “IN YOU”.
God hears what is not spoken,
And understand what is not explained.
For his love doesn’t work in the lips nor in the mind…
But in the heart.
Blessings are hugs from God
To let you know how much He loves you.
Counting your blessings is like hugging God back.
Live with kindness, live with caring,
Live with faith and generous sharing.
Live with truth for when you do.
All good things return to you.
Remember as I remember you.
No one can give you the best kind of love but me.
God has gifts for you.
A key for every problem,
A light for every shadow,
A plan for every tomorrow,
And a joy for every sorrow.
Enjoy Gods gift always.
The heart that has firm faith is not frightened by obstacle
cause it knows well that God loves and does not abandon those who trust him.
Care deeply, give freely,
think kindly, act gently
and be at peace with the world,
for this is the spirit of lent
Count your many blessings,
Name it one by one and it will surprise you
what the Lord has done.
God is too wise to be mistaken and too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t see his plans, when you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart!
God brings us into this world from nothing,
But to him we mean something.
He wants o share with us everything.
Because He loves us more than anything
Prayer lifts our hearts above the battles of life,
and gives us a glimpse of God’s resources which spells victory and hope.
There are times when prayer is the only gift we can give to the one we care.
So I pray to God to always take care of you.
Little birdie in the sky…
Dropped a poopoo in my eye,
I didn’t scream, I didn’t cry.
I just thank God that CARABAO’s don’t fly.
May God continue to give you a caring heart that makes you whole person,
Not just gifted with intellect that can understand,
But with a heart that truly cares.
God speaks to those who take time to listen, and he listens to those who take time to pray.
Behold God’s glory on this beautiful day!
God is the reason why in the saddest part of life we smile.
Even in confusion we understand,
Even in betrayal we trust,
And even in fear of pain we love.
As much as you plan your life,
God has a way of surprising you with unexpected things
That will make you happy than you originally planned.